People grieve in many different ways and with varying levels of intensity.
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Marriage is a Verb, Not a Noun
One of the most common complaints heard from romantic partners, whether married or not, is that they no longer feel the excitement, the intrigue, the joy, which, they claim, has waned or even evaporated.
Having to Be Right
I am frequently struck by the verbal lengths a person will go when they are very sure of themselves and someone challenges their belief, their memory, or their knowledge about something.
Being Kind to Yourself
Do you treat others better than you treat yourself?
Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory
Why we’re often our own worst enemies…
If There Is an Us, What Happens to Me?
This intriguing question – in so many variations – has been asked by many people who are struggling with both the joys and the consequences of being involved in a serious romantic partnership. For some, being single is a most desirable state and valued for the many freedoms and opportunities it affords. There are many who choose to be single and resist serious romantic involvements because they do not wish to complicate their independent and autonomous lives. For others, being single is a time of waiting; waiting to be partnered so that they can, as one client remarked, "feel whole again." For them, being single is just unacceptable; or, worse, a possible indication that they are 'undesirable', as in "nobody wants me."
Anger and Couples
How can we use anger to strengthen communication and enhance our relationships?
Cancer of the Mood
Too often, well-meaning friends and relatives, who don’t fully understand the plight of the person suffering from grief or depression will be heard to say things like, “What’s taking you so long to get over this?” or “Don’t you think you should be better by now?” or “It’s been six months since the funeral, don’t you think it’s time to move on?”
You might be surprised to learn that I think “yet” is one of the most important and powerful words in the English language.
Is Dependency Unhealthy?
Life together will be easier for people with similar dependency needs and styles. However, differences between partners in these ways should not be mistaken for different levels of caring.